Ok, 1 more post on Prop 2 in the Texas elections. I've found over the last couple of years that it can be illuminating, when you're standing up for some idea, to take a look around at the people who are standing alongside you. Christ chose to stand with the poor, the destitute, the helpless, and the downtrodden. Who are you standing with?
For all of you planning on voting in favor of this superfluous ban on already-banned gay marriage, I want you to do just one thing for me. When you step into that voting booth, and you're marking up all your votes, I want you to stop for a moment when you get to prop 2 and reflect for a second on
the people you're standing alongside.
Yeah I hate standing next to trick-or-treaters, I hate halloween. And those guys wives are going to kill them when they see what they did to the good sheets.
Seriously though it is kind of a hateful vote. I don't particularly care for homosexuality, I also don't believe in Hinduism or Buhdism or any of a million other religions/ beliefs but I wouldn't vote to disallow a man and a woman of those beliefs to get married. I could really care less what others do, I hope the best for everyone. What you so with yourself is up to you.
I'm not saying that! I'm not even part of this vote b/c I'm not a Texas voter, so you're not "with me" no matter how you vote. What I'm saying is, if you vote "yes" then you're "with" the KKK on this one. And if you've found yourself standing with that ilk, then maybe you should rethink your values.
... and you can pick your nose...
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